Friday, June 4, 2010

Reflection Paper Number 12

G-d put a person in this world. This person has his or her own characteristics, color, cultures etc. The person is unable to change their physical characteristics for someone else even though others want them to. Because of this, this person must experience hardships and suffering for just being themselves. This suffering and hardships occur to individuals, and many ethnic groups as well. This is exactly what the people in Rwanda, Bosnia, and Dafur had to go through. They were basically ethnically cleansed and Genocided for whom they were. When a group gets ethnically cleansed or Genocided, it means that the group is getting eliminated for who they are as a group in general. What happens is, the people they are surrounded by do not agree with who they are as a group, so they want to obliterate them completely. This was done to these few groups of people in a similar way but a different one as well. In Darfur, the government decided to do these mass killings in Western Sudan. This mutilation was against the Non Arabs. Because these Non Arabs did not fit in; they were then destroyed. In Rwanda, the killings took place in 1994. The Tutsi population was destroyed because who they were as a group. In Bosnia, the Serb military did not agree with who the Muslims were. Each group is different in their own sense because they do have their own culture and ethnic background, which was why they were destroyed. However, they have that similarity again, because they were all destroyed for their ethnicity and who they were. One really must give these many different groups props for what they did. Because they decided not to change who they were as an ethnicity, and by doing this they basically wrote a payable check to these murderers to take their lives. Every person in every single one of these groups signed off this check, for they were all killed together as a group for staying strong in who they were as a people. I feel like there is so much to learn from these people. Everyone really must understand who they are and accept it like these groups did even though they were destroyed because of it.

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