Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Required Assignment Number 2

Survey 1: Core Beliefs About Mind, Body, Spirit, and Reality Survey

The Title of this Survey contains many principles that are important to be aware of. These principles include the Mind, Body, and Reality of every human. These principles though, are definitely not black or white. Each one is different and contains their own understanding in their own peculiar way.

The Mind is something that I believe is an intangible object. It is something that can only be understood within the actual person. It does not have that physical quality like the brain.

The Body however, does have that physical quality, but the physical quality is specific to that person. Even when there are identical twins that are born, the bodies of both humans are not exactly identical.

Spirit though is the Spiritual quality of the person that goes hand in hand with the mind. It is that innate spark that is in every human that helps them go about their day to day life. It is not something that cannot really be explained though. It is more of that feeling that every person has within them through different experiences and actions that is being done.

The Survey then continues to ask many questions of Reality. Reality, I believe though, cannot really be explained either. For Reality to one person, is different to the Reality of another person. Every person has their own sense of what Reality is due to their experiences, cultures, ideas, and just being them as a person. To me, my Survey will most definitely be completely different than your Survey. This is really valid, because everyone is completely different in their understandings of this concept.

All in all though, I believe that a person needs all these concepts to understand their essence and who they are as a person.

Survey 2: Core Beliefs-What I Learned From My Parents

A child can only be born through their parents. Whether it is a dog, cat, elephant, bird… each creature is created through two beings that come together. These two beings can be separate or together. No matter what they are though, these two beings are THE PARENTS of that particular creature. If it were not for these two beings, then the child would never be born.

There are times though that The Parents do not take care of their child. They can either give the child up for adoption, or not take the time to take care of that particular child to teach it and grow with it. In this case, the survey will most probably vary from one to five.

However, I got really lucky, and in my case my survey does not vary much. I had the privilege to have those peculiar parents that have been together for more than thirty years. Thirty years of growth, knowledge, and love that I will take with me wherever I go.

To me, there are many things that I learned over time from friends and different experiences. However, since I am a very open person, it all came back to my parents to really complete the picture of gaining the knowledge.

I feel even more privileged to have taken this survey, because it just continues to remind me how lucky I am.

Survey 3: Core Beliefs-How I Was Raised

In this Survey, there were many different questions pertaining to my Culture. My particular Culture is of Jewish Orthodoxy. Even though I was born with many different ideas and concepts of Judaism, I do not believe it is something that is just innate, as people say, that I cannot see myself doing without because I grew up with it. To me, I feel like my parents gave me the knowledge of this particular Culture, and over time after experiencing many different aspects of it, I came to actually choosing it for myself and my future family.

So the question then comes to why I actually choose this religion over all others. Well, after doing research I just see this is the Culture that I see myself most in. As I said, not because I grew up with it all my life, but because I love the different concepts and things that take place in this particular Culture than any other. I feel like when I am actually doing something, like keeping the Sabbath every week, I’m doing it because I want to.

There are many times though that I have been asked, how can I dress like that because it is so hot outside! Or, oh it must be so hard growing up with those restrictions. However, I do not view anything that I do as a restriction. For if I did view it as a restriction, then I would most probably not be doing it and having the desire to do it.

All in all, the Culture that a person has is something that helps in making that particular person. It is something that helps the person have that certain sense of belief that may be needed to keep the person going with what they have to be doing in this world.

Survey 4: Beliefs about Men

There are many different types of Men in this world. There are kind men, angry men, happy men, annoying men… the list just goes on and on. Each one has their own specific characteristics and beliefs that make each one who they are specifically. Just like anyone else in this world, these characteristics that create each one consist of those that are good and bad.

There are many women though, that resent the idea of men in general because they view them as ‘pigs’. I am always sticking up for them though. I grew up in the crowd with guys rather than the girls. To me, the guys are the ones that make things fun and exciting. Women get very temperamental and frustrated more than men do. With men, things aren’t read into like the way women read into things. What’s before you is just what it is.

This is my favorite aspect of men. Why you may ask? Because to me this is what makes things real and true. With women, things get all tangled up and the many different concepts are become hard to understand because things are just not what they appear to be. However, with men things just make sense because things are black and white.

If you want, you can find bad in everyone and everything if you wanted to. However, to enjoy life I feel like you have to view the good and disregard most of the bad. This is what I attempt to do when it comes to the concept of men, because too many people don’t take the time to try to understand the good in them as well.

Survey 5: Beliefs about Women

Reading my reflection on the survey about men, you may think that I do not appreciate women because I grew up closer to the guys rather than the girls. This is not so, because even though women are complicating and hard to understand most of the time, this is what really makes the picture complete and more enjoyable. Because when women attempt to delve into concepts more, the meaning is what creates that feeling that keeps things more interesting to then want to continue with many other concepts that go on in this world today.

There are many women though, that get intimidated of the concept of the idea of a man because they get intimidated when there is a lot more control that the men have. This is where the idea of women’s rights and the idea of women working because being a homemaker is just not something that is so to say as ‘fulfilling’ as going out and working as the men.

To me though, I feel like many women lower the concept of homemaking because they feel like it is not as great as going out and working like the men. The idea of homemaking though, if you think about it, is an unbelievable and amazing privilege to have and be able to do. It is the place where the children are molded in to the human beings that will continue on in the world.

This is a place where men are not really privileged in. Because the women delve into things more and try to understand things on a deeper level, the concept of the home becomes so much more beautiful when they are in control in creating it.

Survey 6: Beliefs about Race

This survey upset me a bit more than others. Because even though I have never experienced trouble and tribulations because of the certain Race that I am, I still feel for those that have experienced things because of the Race that they are born with.

This idea is very upsetting because the person can have so many amazing qualities and accomplishments in life, however, they are being judged by something that is uncontrollable. It is not like that a person can just look into a coloring book and choose the color they want to be. They were put in that particular body, with that particular color. It is just the way it is.

So when people judge and hate because of what they were automatically put in without choice, it gets so frustrating. Because being a different color should not be a negative thing. If everyone were the same, then the world would not be as amazing as it is now. What makes the world so beautiful, is the different people, cultures, and race that partake in it. Each one contributes something different to make the world even more than what it is.

So with understanding the concept of Race, what’s there to understand? It just is what it is. It is something that makes the world more interesting and will continue to make interesting.

Survey 7: Beliefs about Sex and Gender

In order for the world to live on and continue on once people pass away, can only be done through this amazing experience of Sex. Without it, creation would then cease to exist. One can only continue on with what they accomplished in this world, through creating someone to continue the legacy.

This Survey, I believe, brings together the previous surveys of Parents, Men, and Women. The man and woman come together to have this experience to then create a child. To have this child continue on in this world with growth and love, we hope that the man and woman will come together to be stable parents for that particular child.

This idea is nice if things really worked this way. However, there are many parents who seperate and leave the child fending for themself. This is where the child must figure out things on their own. Most children are sent to orphanages so that a family can fill in the place the void of his or her parents.

Even though I do not believe in the idea of homosecuality, there is still going to be this concept in this world today. By the child being put into the orphanage, I believe that the homosexuals can now atleast get some type of experience on having their legacy live on by adopting.

So even though the child may not have those stable parents to guide them and be there for them, there is still other options which will in turn make the homosexuals happy as well.

Survey 8:Your Educational Philosophy

Completing this Survey just made me even more excited to become a teacher in a classroom. For the questions being asked were specific and detailed questions that will G-d willing be incorporated into my future classroom. My answers though, varied a bit.

The answers varied between the curriculum and the actual child that will be in the classroom. I saw myself leaning more to the side of focusing more of my time on the child's environment, growth, and development as a person. I do believe there must be a set curriculum in the classroom to base the teachings on, However, I do not believe the classroom is just there for the text in the book. The classroom is there for the growth of that peculiar child to take place.

If you think about it though, the curriculum and the child's growth comes hand in hand. Because growth is not able to take place without the curriculum. The curriculum must be there as a basis so that the child can learn and understand different things and ideas in order to have that change and growth to actually occur.

In the end, there must be that certain balance in the classroom. The balance is having that basis of curriculum so that the child can have that ability of growth before heading out into the real world.

Survey 9:Your Political Typology

There were a few questions about the Government in this Survey. To me, the Government is not good or bad, it is neautral. Because just like everything else in life, there is nothing completely good or completely bad. There is good and bad. Both. People do not think about this often when speaking about the government.

I believe this is a major problem in society today. It makes people feel better when they can blame something on someone else when something is going wrong. This becomes a huge problem. For people aren't doing what they have to do, but they are just passing the blame so there is nothing required of them.

This turns into an even larger problem because then society will never change for good. How is this so? Because if a person is constantly passing the blame on someone else then no change will ever take place. In order for change to take place, one needs to assess the situation and figure out what they need to do to fix the problem.

So when it speaks about the government, I get upset when people say that the Government is so bad. The Government is there to do somthing about what is going on, like it or not, If the person disagrees with what the Government is doing, then try to do something about it. But just blaming the Government and not attempting to take action, does not help the situation at all.

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