Saturday, June 12, 2010

Reflection Paper Number 15

There are many theories on the concept of Homosexuality. However, there are two main ones that have been discussed by many psychologists over time that should be addressed.
The first theory states that a person is Born Gay. Meaning, it was something that was already in their genes at birth. In this theory, the person is unable to do anything about their Homosexuality because it was instilled in them at birth.
In the second theory, the idea of Homosexuality comes over time. So the person is able to control the feelings that are being taken place. In this case, the person was surrounded by different factors in their lives that caused him to become a Homosexual. It was not something that was born in him by default.
Being an Orthodox Jew, I am going to explain my point of view through a passage in the Bible. The Bible states, that G-d created Adam, and eventually created Eve to be his partner. Viewing this idea, one can see that Homosexuality does not seem to fit into this scenario. G-d created Adam and Eve; He did not create Adam and Joshua or Adam and Isaiah. There must be a reason why the whole entire Bible begins with the concept of Adam and Eve.
I believe that only by the unification of Adam and Eve, or Man and Woman, can there then be this beautiful concept of consummating a child. Two men are not able to experience this amazing experience that is experienced between a Man and Woman.
I am not trying to say that there should not be any Homosexuals in this world. Nowadays, people feel what they feel and go with their gut. I personally do not agree with this idea of Homosexuality, only because I do not believe G-d wanted humans to be that way. However, even though I may disagree, I will not go and force my opinions on others. If this is something that I believe, then it is something that I will do for myself and my family. I will not attempt to change the way people do things.
In conclusion, do I believe that there is Homosexuality in this world today? Yes. However, I do believe that it is not something that is just innate in the human. It is something that can definitely be controlled if one desired to control it.

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