Saturday, June 12, 2010

Reflection Paper Number 16

Every human is either born Male or Female. However, as time goes on, there have been many different psychologists and doctors that attempt to understand the differentiation between the actual physicality differences between these two different Sexes. As studies and tests were being done, the idea of Intersexuality and Transextuality came into play.
Intersexuality is understood as the concept of understanding the differentiation of the Male and Female. The differentiation is explained by saying that there is not a main difference between the two. Meaning that a Male and Female is very similar so it becomes difficult to understand the difference between them.
Transexuality is understood as the Male or Female being born as the Male or Female, yet they believe that they are of the opposite sex. They usually show this belief by acting and dressing as the opposing sex that they were born with.
Reading the articles to understand these two concepts was very useful for me. Because by understanding these two concepts, it just pushed me towards my beliefs even more. To explain my belief I’m going to go back to the basics of the Chromosomes of a Male & Female.
When a Man & Woman come together they each have their own peculiar Chromosome. The X Chromosome is the Female, and the Y Chromosome is the Male. Each one contributes his or her own Chromosome to then create a human being. The human being is then determined by which Chromosome that becomes more dominate.
To me, this negates the idea of Intersexuality right off the bat. Because the differentiation of the Chromosomes is basic material for all scientists and psychologists. They base their material on this basic differentiation of the Chromosomes. So the idea of Intersexuality and not understanding exactly whether the human is Male or Female is basically not applying because the Chromosomes already negate this factor.
The idea of Transexuality is also negated. For the Male or Female may not like the sexuality that they were born with, but they will always be that sex no matter what. The male is the male, and the female is the female. This is just the way it is.
So the concepts are useful because they attempt to show me where people are coming from when they dress or act in a certain way. However, the concepts to me are not valid to my understanding of the differentiation of the Male and Female.

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