Thursday, May 13, 2010

Reflection Paper Number 1

There are many things in life that are very different yet connect at the same time. I believe the three articles: the prehistoric use of fire, the invention of the wheel, and the history of writing are three completely different topics yet have this amazing connection as well. Not only do these three diverse topics differentiate in their own special way, but each one connects to the concept of education as well.

The prehistoric use of fire discusses how the homo erectus who are also known as the upright men were the first creatures to stand upright and start the use of fire that is needed in many aspects of our lives today. There was one point in the article with the australopithecine creatures that I would personally like to focus on. At that point in the article, these creatures were described as chimpanzees because the way they looked. Their features were supposedly not ‘normal’ to what we are used to nowadays. This to me is very important for interns to take into account before entering a classroom. There are going to be many different students with many different characteristics; but there must not be that sense of judging that particular student. Each student must be treated equally no matter what the case. If you were to single out that one student for a specific characteristic they may have, this one action may cause a lot of damage to this one student that could have been avoided from the beginning.

The invention of the wheel is a completely different article yet connects as well. In it, the article explains the process of how the wheel was created. The wheel first started as something round, which then lead to a sledge, and then a row, and then a groove etc. This simple concept can be transformed into something unbelievable. If the wheel did not begin with the sledge or the row then it would have never lead to the grooves or the carts. It had to go through each specific process in order to get to the wheel that we use today. This connects to education as well. When a student begins to get educated, the teacher has to begin at a and end at z. If the teacher were to start at h and then went back to a to then go to z, the process would never get anywhere. If you were to really understand a certain depth to this article you can see how important certain topics need to be taught so that a student would be able to comprehend what is going on.

The last article, the history of writing, discusses the different ways that things are written. For instance, the Hebrews had a completely different way of writing than the Greeks and the Greeks had a different way of writing than the Samaritans etc. This is important knowledge for interns to know as well because every student that walks into a teacher’s classroom is going to have some particular background that pertains to them. Their background can cause them to speak a different language or to write a certain way, but there has to still be that sense of acceptance to each and every individual in their own specific case.

So all in all, there are many things in life that are very different yet very similar at the same time. After reading these three articles the connection to interns can be found in many ways. If you really attempt to read and understand the depth behind each particular case, the insights of the way a classroom should work begins to flow through each particular topic.