Friday, May 28, 2010

Reflection Paper Number 8

In the article, Beliefs Values and Attitudes, there was a particular sentence that stood out to me. The sentence states, when there are two or more different cultures that come in contact, a relationship is then created and established by the two. This particular relationship is only created through the work and effort that these two cultures bring into the equation.
One can understand this through an analogy. When one creates a plant, there is a certain process that comes with this creation. The process is as follows; the seed in its peculiar shape is taken to then be planted into the ground. The ground consists of dirt that in its own entity is different than this seed. Once the seed is planted, one then takes water in its specific form to nourish the seed to grow to become this beautiful plant. The plant is the creation that comes from the seed, dirt, and water. This creation is special in its own right; because this creation was created by three different entities that are in three completely different forms. Through the union of these three entities comes one creation of the plant.
The seed is one of the cultures and the dirt is the other. The water is the work and effort that each culture gives to create this relationship which is viewed as the plant.
If one were to really try to understand this concept, they would notice that it is really not as simple as it looks. Every human is accustomed to their own beliefs, values, and traditions. These ideas were put into this being at a very young age and created them to be who they are today. When another entity comes into the picture, with different beliefs and values, the humans must figure out a way to give and take to create something very special between the two.
This can really only be done through changing oneself. Because if one were to go about their life not changing and understanding the different cultures around them, they would never learn and grow to achieve different goals in life. Only through the concept of change can one actually accomplish something in this world.
One can then ask where change comes into the analogy. The concept of change comes in only through the process from when the seed is transforming out of its peculiar form to then becoming this amazing plant. Once the change and the combination of the entities is done, the plant can then accomplish what it’s supposed to be accomplishing in this world.

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