Monday, May 31, 2010

Reflection Paper Number 11

Imagine waking up one morning and not having the ability to get yourself dressed. Imagine waking up and not being able to use the bathroom. Imagine having control over everything in your life one day and then waking up and losing all that control that was once there. The millions of people who experienced the Holocaust randomly lost this control that they once had in one point of time.
Nowadays, it is very difficult to attempt to picture yourself not having control of your own life. We wake up and go about our daily routine. If you want to shower, you shower. If you want to jog, you jog. If you want to pray, you pray. Now imagine waking up one morning and not having the ability to do any of those things. It is very difficult to do. This is very difficult to even imagine because we are so used to this control that we have over our own lives. To randomly lose this control, would definitely be tragic. This loss is basically losing the chance to live our own lives.
With this in mind, it is very difficult to understand how people nowadays may not believe in the Holocaust. I think that these people do not want to believe in this major tragedy because they are intimidated to even picture themselves in that situation that millions of people were in. The sad part is, this loss of control wasn’t their choice. They were forced. So those who are choosing not to believe, is disregarding the lives of millions and millions of people. This to me is very depressing. I don’t feel that we have to actually try to experience what these people went through, because we will never be able to actually understand exactly what they experienced; but I do feel that we have to believe in what happened to these people. For these people did not get to live their lives. Their lives were controlled by a complete stranger that wanted to remove any type of identity that that specific person had.
Trying to understand this, hopefully we can be the future that believes in what happened to attempt to have some part of their lives become reality in this day and time. Hopefully, we can make that difference to have their legacy live on without them being here. Hopefully, we can believe.

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