Saturday, May 29, 2010

Reflection Paper Number 9

The personality of a person is a very difficult concept to grasp. Freud though, worked very hard to understand and come up with a Theory of The Personality. The theory states that every human was born with an ID. The ID is basically translated as selfishness. The child wants something and they want it now. The next stage is the EGO. In this stage, reality begins to set in for the child. They realize that they cannot get what they want right away. The gratification must wait. They are able to get what the ID wants, but it must be in a realistic way. The final stage is the SUPEREGO. In this stage, morality comes in. This is where the person wants what he or she wants but they begin to think if it is moral or not to get what they want in that moment in time.
I definitely agree with this process that Freud came up with. It is something very important for people to understand so that they can understand why certain people are the way they are. To apply this to my future though, I would like to take his theory a step further.
When a person does something in life, they can either do it just to do it, or they can create what they are doing to have a certain type of meaning to them specifically. This meaning that is being created through the person is not just something that goes away just like that. This meaning actually gives that feeling to the person to want to do the right thing. This feeling can cause each and every person to change things inside of themselves, to then apply that change in their future actions, which will hopefully change things in this world today.
When I am teaching, I want to understand exactly where these students are in regards to their personality. To do this, I will definitely be using Freud's theory. However, it cannot stop there. I want to be able to instill that meaning into these students. This will then give them the ability to want to do more and be more. It will give them a certain self esteem that they would not be able to get anywhere else. It will give me that certain meaning that I need as well. G-d willing this meaning will be created within myself, and my students as well.

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