Monday, May 31, 2010

Reflection Paper Number 10

Growing up parents instill different ways of doing things in his or her child. These concepts that you grew up with becomes something innate that you cannot see yourself living without doing. As you begin going to school, you try to get what you need to get done with these concepts that you grew up with. One day, you are doing your own thing and all of a sudden someone begins to tease you for doing something a certain way. The teasing begins with one person and then continues on to a group of students. By the end of the month you turn into an outcast for doing something that you grew up with. You then think that there is something wrong with you for doing something in a certain way. What happens next is, because this feeling gets created, you then search for those that do things similar to the way you do things. When these people are found, you then find this sense of security with this group that you have become apart of.
This is basically the concept of being Prejudice, and the outcome of being affected by someone that is Prejudice. Prejudice is translated as a type of attitude or unfavorable opinion that is formed without having enough knowledge on what is going on.
The problem with the concept of Prejudice is that there are times where it can happen without you even having the knowledge of yourself doing it. What happens is, when a person is going about their day, they are not being aware of what they are doing or saying. They see something that is different from what they are used to and all they have to do is look at the person in a certain way. This concept is basically termed as being Unintentionally Prejudice. You don’t say much to make the person feel uncomfortable, however, you view them in a certain way that will cause them to feel a certain way without anything being said.
This idea of Prejudice basically has to be in everyone’s head constantly. Who are we to think that what we grew up with is the only way to go? There are so many different cultures and groups where people are just trying to get by and do what they have to do. Who are we to even attempt to make these people feel uncomfortable?
One must understand that the idea of Prejudice is really apart of our world today in an Intentional and an Unintentional way. The way a person can get by is by doing what the student did above. Find that sense of security with a group of people so that the confidence is there. Once the person has the sense of confidence on what they are doing is okay, then the perceptions of those around them will never matter.

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